President says: Well done!

What a sensational effort at our own Club Challenge. Once again, when called out our members supported in numbers.
Massive well done to Gerry and his team (we’ll even forgive you Gerry for setting off the alarm). The set-up was excellent and Gerry knew just what was needed. There were plenty of helpers in setting up and many who stayed behind to pack up and clean up.
Sue Johnson did a power of work to set up the program on the Meet Manager program and ably supported by Steve Ferguson was able to get the results complete in record time, and with calm confidence.
Deb, Lyn, Sue and Michelle in the kitchen (with lots of help when needed) once again prepared a feast for the swimmers. Well organised Deb. Thanks to all members who contributed to the feast.
To the crew on pool deck assisting marshalling, well done for a calm and efficient effort. Thanks Barb Bamford, Jen, Barb Pellick, Cathy, Hazel and any others involved. The swimmers quickly worked out the marshalling system and things ran smoothly.
The staff at MARC have been very supportive! Give them your thanks when you see them. They do go out of their way to assist wherever possible.
To all time keepers thanks. This task can be forgotten, but with Kim and Rod manning a couple of watches, the pressure was taken off this issue.
To Captain Jen and Mike well done in encouraging, cajoling a very strong team for the meet, and organising well balanced relay teams…gave us a great edge.
To all the swimmers, especially those for whom this was their first meet, well done on some splendid swims. Captain Jen pointed out that we earned nearly 10 points per swimmer, so the winning load was well spread. Mandurah 420 points first and a long way to second with 191 points!! Hopefully, it was also a lot of fun for you.
Annette and Heather made just under $500 on the raffle to put financial cream on the swim meet cake! Brilliant. Pauline once again made sure the trophies were ready to go.
Apologies if I have forgotten any one because this is just a general well done really. We clearly demonstrated how effective our pool is and maybe we will attract bigger events in the future??
Thanks President Steve