Planned Upgrades to our Website

From the number hits we have received, it would appear that many of you have found the Club Website informative. In the coming months we plan to add some new features to the website, which we hope you will find useful, including:
A Club Calendar listing all the Club swimming and social activities, LLCC's and OWS's. It might be more popular if the Calendar has a theme picture for each month. In the spirit of good taste we don't want them to be too raunchy, but members should feel free to send their portfolios to the committee for consideration. Those who get in quick can be in line for Mr or Ms January!
A Club Merchandise Store selling existing and new club apparel. This may prove a little challenging, but with many members keen to wear Club clothing (to the extent of ordering their own designs) and the every changing fashion scene, this should be a popular and convenient feature.
A Club Forum where members can ask questions or raise issues, which can be answered or discussed by other club members.
A Club Photo Gallery for viewing Club Photos online. Currently, the hard work of our club photographers is stored in albums in the Club office at MARC and not readily accessible. Hopefully, in the near future, we hope to provide member-only online access to a Gallery of all the Club Photos.
If anyone has any other suggestion or comments, please feel free to email them to