Notice of 2017 Mandurah Masters Swimming Inc. Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Mandurah Masters Swimming Inc. will be held at 7:00pm on 15 February 2017 at MARC Club Rooms.
The meeting will be for the purpose of:
Receiving reports from the President, Treasurer, Coaching Director, Recorder and any other Officer
Election of the Officers of the Club, namely: President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, and at least four (4) other persons; e.g. Coaching Director, Club Captain, Registrar, Recorder, Safety Officer, Property Officer, Social Convenor, and Publicity Officer.
Considering and, if thought appropriate, passing the following special resolution: That the Club By-laws be amended as per the attached document entitled "Mandurah Masters Swimming Inc. Draft By-laws Rev F.pdf"
Considering and, if thought appropriate, passing Notices of Motions for which due notice has been served.
General discussion and recommendations for the new Committee to consider.
Presentation of Awards
All interested persons are invited to attend, but only financial members are entitled to vote. Non-members may be invited by the President to speak, but they may not move motions.
Please forward any queries regarding, or suggested amendments to, the proposed Draft By-laws in writing to the Club Secretary by 1 February 2017 for consideration by the Committee.
Nominations are now called for all positions on the committee, but they must be in writing using the attached Nomination Form and lodged with the Club Secretary by 8 February 2017.
Notices of Motion intended for an ordinary resolution at the AGM must also be lodged with the Club Secretary by 25 January 2017.