Swim Thru Perth 22 January 2017

Round 1 of the MSWA Open Water Swim Calendar starts on Sunday 13 November 2016 with the 30th Lake Leschenaultia Swim at Chidlow, with quite a few of us are going up for the swim and a BBQ afterwards.
Round 1.5 is the not to be missed Doddi's Dash! on Saturday 19 November 2016, more info coming soon!.
Round 2 sees the Fremantle Ports Swim Thru incorporating the MSWA OWS State Championships being held on Saturday 10 December, but no details are available at the moment.
Round 3 is Sunday 22 January 2017 Swim Thru Perth, which you can find more out about if you Click Here.
But most importantly, don't forget the 2017 Mandurah Masters Australia Day Open Water Swim being held on 26 January 2017 at Doddi's. This year you will have the choice of a 1km, 2km or 4km swim. Online entries will open on 1 December 2016.
Why don't you join us for a swim!