(Vice) President's Prattle - September 2016

With Mr and Mrs Pres away doing the grey nomad thing, I couldn't resist the opportunity to have a prattle myself!
The last month has seen Mandurah Mannas lead by Captain Mike, continue its good form in the pool both at the Bunbury Skins and Stadium Snapper Meets. It seems Anwar cant help but break a State Record at every meet he enters. At Bunbury, Anwar won the Men's Splash for Cash. Captain Mike won his Age Group at Bunbury Skins, set up by some "cagey" swims in the early heats. Jennifer was second in the Women's Splash for Cash. At the Stadium Snappers, with a smaller than usual team badly hit by the "flu" and sleeping in, Mandurah still managed 2nd out of 12 Clubs with strong showings from all the usual suspects and a few up-and-comers including Greg "PB" Cockram! (No Jennifer, "PB" does not stand for Peanut Butter!). In a knee-jerk reaction, Claremont won the meet by a healthy margin after nearly being beaten by us at the State Groper Relays. However, my temperature rose more than just a little when, after the prizes were announced, a Claremont swimmer came up to Ingrid and I and smugly suggested "Mandurah will just have to train harder!" What is the saying "Let sleeping dogs lie". Well it may not be at the next meet, but revenge is sweet and it wont be long....
At Doddi's the talk has been all about the draft handicaps for the Inaugral Doddi's Dash on the 19th of November. With everyone unhappy with their handicap, I think Ken has done a great job! No doubt there will be some adjustments, as the money starts to flow into Ken's Bank Account. If you haven't already heard, the Doddi's Dash is a Intra-Club handicap 1 km swim with the main focus on having fun and raising some money for a good cause. Some are calling it the "Stawell Gift" for swimming! There will be prizes and a free Sausage Sizzle after. If you haven't already entered, put your name down either at Doddi's or the Pool.
Who stole Spring! Barb's diary says this time last year we were getting warm spring days with many doing 3 laps! What a difference a year makes! Having said that, despite the water still being a chilly 15 or so degrees, the number of swimmers hitting the water is amazing! Well done everyone, especially Jan who hasn't missed a day (except when her Grandson was born). For example, today there were 18 in the water. Some are having a 2nd coffee, but no one is contemplating a 2nd lap!! On the bright side, its too cold for stingers! Don't forget from now on we will be having a coffee and a BYO BBQ breakfast after the swim on every 2nd Saturday of the Month starting on the 8th of October.
Considering the weather and the number of members away on holiday at this time year, attendance at Tuesday and Thursday training has been quite good and numbers at the Sunday morning swims are picking up (especially for the morning tea on the last Sunday of the month). Welcome to new member Colleen who is rapidly improving and not long for Lane 1!
Entries for the All Club Challenge, on the 15th and 16th of October, close on Tuesday night. So make sure you get your entry in.
On Sunday October 9, MARC will be having an Open Day with free pool entry after 11:00 am. Mandurah Masters will have a "manned" table to try and attract new members. So if anyone is available for an hour between 11:00am and 3:00pm to fly-our-flag, please let me know.
OMG the first 2016/17 OWS is at Lake Leschenaultia on the 13th of November and the Fremantle Ports Swim Thru, which this year incorporates the MSWA State Open Water Swim, is on the 10th of December! If you haven't already - it's definitely time to dust off the bathers, come down to Pool and/or Doddi's and join in the fun!