Mankini Challenge 31 July at MARC

Following on the theme of making the swim on the last Sunday in each month a special event. On Sunday 31 July, the Club will be holding a Fun Mini Carnival with novelty races being organised by Head Coach John Cahill and Captain Mike Bennett. The headline event will be the "Mankini Challenge".
Apparently the pressure of ongoing jibes about his backstroke technique has proven too much for Kirk Bamford who has responded by issuing a challenge that if Ken Isbister could beat him in a backstroke race he would wear a Mankini. So Ken and Kirk will racing each other in a Backstroke race over 25m with the loser donning a Mankini thereafter. This is something you may want to miss, but don't worry the Club Paparazzi are sure to be all over it.
Swimming will commence at 9:00 am and finish with the Mankini challenge at 10:20 am, followed by Morning Tea. This should be a lot of fun and not to be missed. Please bring a plate to share for morning tea.
Note: Mankini's are optional for all events!