Solo Swims

Rottnest Channel Team Swims
2003 - Tess Evans, Paul Varadi,
Anthea Warnes & Sarah
(S: Peter Henson & P: Margo Sundintas )
2004 - Jenny Crake, Steve Crake,
Ken Phillips & Sue Lindsay
(P: Mike Crake )
Tess Evans, Max Henson,
Ross Henson & Dave Kay
(S: Peter Henson )
2005 - Jan Boddy, Liz Marland,
Adam James & Rebecca Ashby
2006 - Erica Thomas, Daka Groves &
Sharon Sheperd
2010 - Erica Thomas, Ted Thompson &
Pete Elwell
2011 - Barbara Pellick, Linda Spencer &
Kerrie Williamson
(S: Greg Gauci & P: Clive Choate)
2013 - John Cahill, Erica Thomas,
Ted Thompson & Pete Elwell
2017 - Debra Brown, George Mills,
Sue McDonald & Ken Isbister
(S: John Passmore &
P: Narelle Gillmore/David Kennedy)
2019 - Joel Lewis, Ray Reynolds, Paul Jacklin &
(S: ?? & P: ?? )
Ken Isbister, Cathy Isbister, Paul Turner, &
Mari Turner
(S: Geoff Turner & S: Tim)
2020 - Glenda Hurtado, Wayne Hurtado & Stephen Ferguson
(S: Gary Bowden P: Nick Zaknic & Neil Ferguson)
2021 -
2022 -
2023 - Belman Team
Colleen Wray, Karen Sims, Daniel Aitken
& Rachel Oliver
(S: Dave Naylor/Ken P: Melissa Pilkington)
PINK or Swim
Erica Thomas, Annie Beste, Lyle Kildea
& Nicolee Martin
Water We Doing
Jane Dumville, Jenna Hurrey,
Peter Bouteloup & Wendy Belford
1992 - Barb Pellick, Ron Edwards,
Joanne Hall & Robin Philp
1996 - Ray Reynolds, Gordon Gillam,
Jan Magowan & Ann O'Mara
(S: Mick Cunningham & P: Janice Schebliner )
1997 - Ray Reynolds, Gordon Gillam,
Jan Magowan & Paddy Magowan
(S: Mick Cunningham & P: Janice Schebliner )
1998 - Ray Reynolds, Gordon Gillam,
Jan Magowan & Paddy Magowan
(S: Mick Cunningham & P: Nicole Badini )
Jenny Crake, Liz Burn,
Patti Rock & Carol Mackin
1999 - Ken Phillips, Andrew Bennett,
Roy Ketijen & Dallas Newcombe
2000 - Ray Reynolds, Len Campbell,
Jan Magowan & Glen Sareson
Steven Crake, Ian Walsh,
Rob Houwen & Peter Rock
2001 - Debra Bloor, Gerry Green,
Shelly Lane & Ken Phillips
(S:Ray Wilson & P:Ralph Briggs )
Tess Evans, Graeme Collopy,
Marilyn Terry & Anthea Warnes
(P: Suen Yek )
Ray Reynolds, Nicole Badini,
Fettes Falconer & Enzo Lanciano
(S: Bert )
For each crossing attempted by a past or present Mandurah member, the names of the swimmers, skippers and paddlers (where known) are listed above. The list is intended to acknowledge the achievements of past and present Mandurah members as well as others who swam, paddled and skippered on the day, without whom they could not have participated. The names of non-Mandurah members are shown in italics. The names of the boat Skipper and Paddler(s) is shown in brackets and prefixed with a S or P, respectively. If any of the above information is incorrect or incomplete please email mhmannas@hotmail.com with the correct information.