Meet our latest World Champions
What an incredible nine days our twins, Gerda and Jannie, have had in the pool(s). Firstly at the World Masters Games in Auckland NZ, a...

Maximising your Training to Prepare for Racing
For all those who were unable to attend, Ryan has kindly provided a copy of the presentation he gave, at MARC on Sunday morning 23 April,...

Ryan Spencer's Swimming Workshop
Eighteen Mannas attended a special session at MARC on Sunday morning, 23 April. The session was prepared and presented by Ryan Spencer, a...

Swimming Workshop - Sunday 23 April
Ryan Spencer has kindly offered to run a Swimming Workshop on "How to prepare for Pool Competitions" on Sunday 23 April 2017 at 9:00am at...

2017 Mandurah LLCC - Full Results
For all those who are interested, find a copy of the full results including relays by Clicking Here

President says: Well done!
What a sensational effort at our own Club Challenge. Once again, when called out our members supported in numbers. Massive well done to...

Record breaking 2017 Mandurah LLCC
What a great meet! What a great team of volunteers! What a great team of swimmers! The 2017 Mandurah Masters LLCC broke all records with...

2017 MSWA LiveLighter State Championships - 29 & 30 April
The 2017 LiveLighter State Championships is Masters Swimming WA’s premier annual event for Clubs and members to enjoy participating as a...

Entries Close for 2017 Mandurah Masters LLCC - 23 March
Just a reminder to everyone that entries close to our LiveLighter Club Challenge we will be holding on Sunday 2nd April 2017. This event...