2020 Country Correspondence Carnival - Day 2
Great news - our 2nd Country Correspondence Carnival (CCC) morning will be held next Sunday 23 August from 8:00 to 10:00 am in the...

Alcoa Action Grant for Coastcare Planting
A big thank you to Alcoa of Australia and its employees for partnering with Mandurah Masters Swimming for the CoastCare 2019 planting we...
2019 Country Correspondence Carnival - Relays
Due to popular demand the relay events for the 2019 Country Correspondence Carnival have been arranged for Sunday 29th September from 9am...

More about Club Training on Tuesday and Thursday Nights
For those who are interested in finding our more about Club training sessions, Head Coach Des has kindly provided some sample training...

About Club Training on Tuesday and Thursday Nights
Thanks to Head Coach Des for providing this terrific insight into the Club training sessions. With Spring in the air; hopefully, we will...

Coastcare Planting at Doddi's Sun 21 July
Thanks to our Coastcare coordinator Wayne Cable for organising a great day, which he describes in the report below: I’d like to take this...

2018 Country Correspondence Carnival - Day 4
As Ivan's photos show, our fourth and final Country Correspondence Meet held on Sunday 30 September was, like the other three meets, a...

2018 Country Correspondence Carnival - Day 2
As Ivan's photo shows, our second Country Correspondence Meet held this morning was, like the first Meet two weeks ago, a great success....

Alcoa supporting Coastcare Planting
A big thank you to Alcoa of Australia and its employees for partnering with Mandurah Masters Swimming for the CoastCare 2018 planting we...

2018 Country Correspondence Carnival
A great opportunity to race alongside your friends in an encouraging and familiar environment. Swimmers may enter up to 8 individual...