2017 Membership Open for New and Renewing Members
The object of Masters Swimming WA is to encourage and support adults, regardless of age or ability, to swim regularly to enjoy fitness,...
The advantage faster swimmers have over slower swimmers is technique
Now you have just read the previous post about strength and conditioning, your gym bag is packed and your about to go for workout, but...
Strength and Conditioning
Anyone attending Coach John's workshop on open water swimming will have learnt the importance that dry-land programmes play in your...
From Canada with Love!
This is the latest message and some photos from Kirk who is visiting his family in Canada, makes Doddi's look quite steamy! Hi Mandurah...
Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain is a common and sometimes complex problem that a lot of swimmers face, which may not have a simple solution. Susan...
Training Session Pool Etiquette
It is very pleasing that numbers at training are improving with the weather. Just as a reminder for the comfort and safety of all members...
2017 MSA Swimming Camp
Click here to access information in regards to a great opportunity to travel to Thailand for a MSA Swimming Camp.
Lane Hire Fee now $2
For some time the club has been losing money on lane hire due to the reduced number of swimmers attending Tuesday and Thursday training,...