2019 Doddi's Dash Sat 7 Dec - Event Details
The 2019 Gala "Fashions on the Foreshore, Doddi's Dash and Christmas Picnic" is on Saturday 7th December, with Registrations opening at...

Volunteers with Working With Children Cards needed to help on Australia Day
Mandurah Australia Day Swim is again offering the "Alcoa 250m Try It Swim" for swimmers aged 8 years and up and novice swimmers, no...

2019 Doddi's Dash - Form Guide Ver 1.0
Entries for Western Australia's premiere open water swim are now open. Interestingly, we have also had a lots of entries for Doddi's...

November Birthdays!
This month, we are wishing Happy Birthday to 11 Mannas - 7 Scorpios and 4 Sagittarians According to horoscopedates.com: Scorpios (Oct 23...
2019 Doddi's Dash - event update!
Fashions on the Foreshore All Mandurah Mannas Members are invited to “Fashions on the Foreshore 2019” and according to tradition will be...

President's Prattle - October 2019
A big thank you to committee members who have been keeping the club running very smoothly (as they always do) during my absences this...

Blockbuster Bash at Bogan Bingo!
The Club's Bogan Bingo night, held at Tide's Cafe in San Remo last Friday the 4th October, was a huge success. A thoroughly enjoyable fun...

2019 Doddi's Dash - Sat 7 Dec - Call for Nominations
Mandurah Masters Swimming Club officially invites all member fillies, colts, mares, stallions and geldings to nominate for the fourth...

October Birthdays!
This month, we are wishing Happy Birthday to three Librans and one Scorpio. According to horoscopedates.com: Libra people need to keep a...

Alcoa Action Grant for Coastcare Planting
A big thank you to Alcoa of Australia and its employees for partnering with Mandurah Masters Swimming for the CoastCare 2019 planting we...