Duyfken departs Doddi's
This photo is not of the latest refugees landing at Doddi's, but rather Graeme, Ken and Jan leaving the water after acting as the...

Mandurah Masters "Doddi's Dash" is on!
With the onset of Spring we have had some wonderful days swimming at Doddi's, but the best is still to come. On November 19, Mandurah...

BBQ Breakfast at Doddi's - 2nd Saturday of each month!
Following on the success of the "Last Sunday of the Month" morning tea at the pool, starting on the 8th of October, there will be a...

September Birthdays!
According to gotohoroscope.com, the horoscope for September says, "After a peaceful and quiet forest lake known as August, September will...

President's Prattle - August 2016
(We all know what a super President we have. This photo shows another of his super powers with him literally "flying" off the blocks at...

"Spring into Spring" at Doddis!
Here is a few photos taken by Ivan at Doddi's this morning. He thought it might inspire some new members to "Spring into Spring". Click...

Water warming up at Doddis!
Well, I didn’t say it was warm, only warming. In the earlier part of winter, OWS pundits had suggested the sea temperature was 15°C or...

Captain Mike Pays Rockingham Debt!
This picture above is proof of Captain Mike wearing a Rockingham Masters Swim Cap on Sunday at the Mandurah Mannas Mini Club...

August Birthdays!
August is another popular month for Manna birthdays with 9! Diving in with no reaction time at all is Dave on the 1st. George will no...

Man-KK-ini Challenge lives up to hype!
A strong contingent of around 30 Mannas turned up for a day when too much fun was not enough. The weather suited the indoor pool, so...