Join Masters because Swimmers enjoy a better Quality of Life
Some scientific reasons to renew your membership of Mandurah Masters can be found in the research from the Indiana University's...

December Birthdays!
This month's wisdom comes from the Guardian Lifestyle Swimming Blog. Training and natural physique are not the only factors that...

2016 Doddi's Dash - $500 Donation
(L to R - Sue, Tracey and Steve) On behalf of Mandurah Masters Swimming Inc, Sue and Steve had the pleasure of purchasing and dropping...

President's Prattle - November 2016
What an exciting time the last few weeks have been. The inaugural Doddi's Dash proved a great success with 44 swimmers taking the...

Mandurah Masters Christmas Party - Sunday Night 11 December
Following on from the previous news items advising everyone to leave Sunday night 11 December free for the Mandurah Masters 2016...

2016 Doddi's Dash - Video
Watch this video to relive Saturday's great race. Both Wayne and Barb deserve Oscar nominations for this video. Wayne for cinematography...

2017 Doddi's Dash - Provisional Handicaps
With the smell of sausages, onions and EPO still in the air, what better time to set yourself the goal of winning the "2017 Doddi's Dash...
2016 Doddi's Dash - Report & Results
What a great day! While having an enormous amount of fun, we raised $500 for the "Peel Community Kitchen"! On a delightful sunny Saturday...

2016 Doddi's Dash - Event Details & Latest Form Guide
Click Here to read event details. Track: Wet, Cold & Salty Likely field, but many yet to nominate! Provisional Handicaps (subject to...