2017 Doddi's Dash - Form Guide Ver 6.1
2016 Doddi's Dash! The count down continues, with 1 sleep to go before the 2017 Mandurah Masters Doddi's Dash on Sun 10 December. The...

December Birthdays!
Let's add some Happy Birthday greetings to Merry Christmas this month for 10 Mannas. To those having birthdays, we recommend you: "please...

Doddi's Dash/Christmas Picnic Combo
We are up-sizing the fun, fitness and friendship of our Christmas Picnic by adding large Doddi's Dash with it (or is it Dash of Doddi's)!...

Thank you Letter from Peel Community Kitchen
Hello Glenda, On behalf of the Peel Community Kitchen, the board and all the less fortunate members of our community that we help on a...

Certificate of Appreciation for Beach Clean Up
Renee from the Tangaroa Blue Foundation has sent our Coast Care Crusader Wayne Cable a big thank you to Mandurah Masters for taking part...

President's Prattle - November 2017
What a great night it was last night at the City of Mandurah Sports Awards for 2017. Gerda Williams was nominated by the Club for the...

Healthy Habit or Dangerous Addiction?
Authorities have become increasingly concerned about a possible epidemic of problem swimming and the associated cost to individuals,...

Doddi's Dash postponed until 10 Dec
In the rush to get everything organised for this weekend's Doddi's Dash, I am sorry but I forgot to place an order for fine weather! ...

Lock in the 10th of December for the Mannas Christmas Picnic
Doesn't Christmas come around quickly! It just seems like a few months ago we were celebrating Christmas at the Quindanning Inne....

Quiz night - $930 Donation to Peel Community Kitchen
On behalf of Mandurah Masters Swimming Inc, Glenda had the pleasure of donating and dropping off $930 worth of food shopping vouchers to...