Cott Beach Supporters Club Meeting - Friday Night 4 May!
On Friday night 4 May, "Cott Beach Supporters Club" will catch the train at 4:00 pm from Mandurah or subsequent stations on route to...

April Birthdays!
To those having birthdays this month, you might like to go with: "I am not getting old, I am getting better." Low and behold 8 Mannas...

President's Prattle - March 2018
Let me start by saying how proud I am to be President of such a vibrant and enthusiastic club. The 2018 new committee met recently and I...

Binningup Camping Weekend 13-15 April
Our first social event for 2018 is a Club camping weekend at Binningup Beach Caravan Park (a short 55 min drive south of Mandurah) from...

Changes to MARC Opening Hours
There are some changes to the normal MARC opening hours over the upcoming weeks as follows: Sun 18th March, TBC Good...

March Birthdays!
To those having birthdays this month, this thought might make sense: "If at your age you are feeling more comfortable in your skin, maybe...

President's Prattle - Feburary 2018
Well a short Prattle as my finale. I must say it has been a pleasure to hold the role of President for a few years and I am grateful...

Welcome to our latest new Members!
Everyone at Mandurah Masters extends a warm welcome to our latest crop of new members in 2018, including: Darcy White, Brendan Chestnutt,...

What learning to swim as an adult taught me
From a wind swept Wilsons Promontory in Victoria, Des has sent a link to an amusing article written by Ben Pobjie who signed up for...

February Birthdays!
To those having birthdays this month, you might appreciate Greg Tamblyn's observations: "Birthdays are a great time to stop and...