September Birthdays!
Another ten Mannas with a combined age of a 571 have birthdays this month, although many may deny any knowledge of the event. Possibly...

Last Saturday Winter Swim at Doddi's
Thank you Ivan for recording our last Saturday winter swim at Doddi's for 2018. Saturday winter swimming had a happy ending as some 20+...

Alcoa supporting Coastcare Planting
A big thank you to Alcoa of Australia and its employees for partnering with Mandurah Masters Swimming for the CoastCare 2018 planting we...

Sunday Lunch at Jarrahdale Tavern, 26 Aug
Our next Club Social Function is at 12:00 pm on Sunday 26 August, when you are invited to lunch and an afternoon of music and frivolity...

President's Prattle - August 2018
What a dedicated lot we are. It has been encouraging to see swimmers both in the water at the pool and at the beach even on the wettest...

August Birthdays!
Ten Mannas with a combined age of 642 have birthdays this month. Nine have the honour of sharing their birth month with our own World...

Our Hard Core Swimmer!
Who amongst us is tough enough to be up for a solo swim at Doddi's on a cold, showery and blustery winter's day? Apparently, only Jan -...

Typical Winter's Day at Doddi's
Thank you Ivan for braving the cold and photographing this morning's swim. Doddi's swim mornings often start (and sometimes finish) with...

Coastcare Planting at Doddi's Sun 1 July
We thank you sincerely, all the Mannas who turned out for the CoastCare 2018 planting at Robert Point on Sunday 1 July. With the good...

July Birthdays!
To those having birthdays this month, remember: "Your only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely!" Bloody Hell - 8 Mannas...