President's Prattle - October 2020
If you enjoyed the Country Correspondence Carnival, why not give the up comming LLCC carnivals a go. The next meet is on Sunday morning...

Sunday Lunch at Redcliffe on the Murray, 11 October
Our next Club Social Function is at 12:00 pm on Sunday 11 October, when you are invited to lunch and an afternoon of music and frivolity...

President's Prattle - September 2020
Now Spring is here no doubt many members will start to up their swimming routine. There are opportunities to swim with the club each day...

Sunday Lunch on 23 August is postponed
Our next Club Social Function was a lunch planned for Sunday 23 August. However, it just so happens, we have many members away or who...

Sundowner - 5:00 pm Friday 7 August
For those who enjoyed our last "Sundowner" and those who couldn't make it, please come and join your fellow Mannas at 5:00pm on Friday...

President's Prattle - July 2020
A lot has been happening since my last write up. Most of the action has been at the pool with the Tuesday and Thursday night training...

Sundowner - 5:00 pm Friday 17 July
Now that things are getting back to normal, our next club social event is a "Sundowner" at 5:00pm on Friday night 17 July at "The Pen"....

President's Prattle - May 2020
Let’s talk about some good news, yes MARC has reopened! Access is on a reduced basis. The Club has been allocated 3 lanes each Tuesday...

President's Prattle - 23 March 2020
What uncertain times we are in, never in a million years did I ever dream I would be putting these words to paper. I want to let you all...