2018 MSWA Awards Night
Congratulations to Rebekah Weller (18-24 years), Jennifer Rollin-Busby (30-34 years) and Paul Jacklin (70-74 years) who won their age...

Upcoming Pool Events
Eastern Region Club Challenge Swim Meet (Click Here to read the flyer) Swan Hills Swimming Club is holding a short course meet for Swan...

2018 Stadium Masters LLCC Results
Please refer to this month's President's Prattle for a wrap up of the Stadium Snappers Meet held Sunday 20 May. Congratulations to Ivan...

Latest Mandurah Club Records - Post Nationals
Well done to all the Mandurah Mannas who swam at the 2018 Nationals last month. If you haven't heard not only did they win countless...

2018 MSA Nationals Report Results
(Thanks to Ivan and Des for the photos) You may have heard about a recent event, where not just our fine state, but all of our blessed...

2018 Stadium Snappers LLCC
Stadium Masters Swimming Club invites you to their 2018 LiveLighter Club Challenge Event to be held on Sunday 20 May 2018 at HBF Stadium,...

2018 Club Challenge Swim Points at the halfway mark
Thanks to Recorder Helen for providing the progressive swim points, after the first two of a total of four meets, that go toward the 2018...

2018 Melville Masters LLCC Results
Thanks to Head Coach Mike for this report on the Melville Masters LLCC held on Sunday 8 April 2018 at Leisure Fit Booragoon. Also thanks...

Endurance Swims on 1st Thursday of the Month
Currently, from 9:00 to 10:00 am on Sunday mornings, we have lanes booked and volunteers available to time any individual who like to...