2019 MSA Nationals Results
Congratulations Alexis Denness, Lindsay Wiland, Ingrid van der Wel and Richard Fox who all swam brilliantly at the 2019 Masters National...

Alexis off to the 2019 MSA Nationals
The Club wishes Alexis Denness all the best as she heads to Adelaide next week to compete in the Masters Swimming Australia National...

Sunday Morning Vorgee Endurance Swims
Vorgee Endurance 1000 swims are an excellent way to improve your fitness and endurance. The program is designed to encourage people to...

2019 MSWA Event and Meet Calendar
The 2019 MSWA Event and Meet Calendar is available, Click Here Important dates in the near future: 17 February Newman Churchlands LLCC ...

Mandurah Club Records on Display at MARC
Recorder Helen has been busier than a cross-eyed traffic controller collating and sticking the Club Records on our Record Board at the...

Mandurah Club Records - November 2018
Recorder Helen has been busier than a one legged man in an butt kicking contest keeping up with the flood of new club records. The...

Thank you to the 2018 AP&ES Games Volunteers
Well the AP &ES Games have been in full swing this week in Mandurah and it was all action at the pool on Thursday and Friday. A big thank...

2018 State Distance Championships - Cancelled
Unfortunately, due to insufficient entries,Masters Swimming WA has had to cancel the inaugral 2018 Sate Distance Championships to be held...

2018 Fremantle LLCC Report & Results
Despite there only be 13 healthy and happy swimmers representing the club on Sunday, we came 4th. There was only about 10 points between...

2018 Alice Springs Masters Games
The Alice Springs Masters Games, known as the "The Friendly Games" was the first Masters Games to be held in Australia in 1986 -...