2019 Doddi's Dash - Form Guide Ver 1.0
Entries for Western Australia's premiere open water swim are now open. Interestingly, we have also had a lots of entries for Doddi's...
2019 Doddi's Dash - event update!
Fashions on the Foreshore All Mandurah Mannas Members are invited to “Fashions on the Foreshore 2019” and according to tradition will be...

Entries Open for 2020 Cut2Club 18 January
The Port Bouvard Surf Life Saving Club are pleased to announce the 2020 Cut2Club Open Water Swim Event. Be the First to Sup Board or Swim...

2020 Lake Argyle Swim Entries Open Soon
There has been talk around the traps of a group of Mannas entering the Lake Argyle swim on 2nd May 2020. The plan would be to either: fly...

2020 Rottnest Channel Swim Entries Open Soon
With registrations just days away, make sure you have the right dates locked into your calendar and take note of our new opening time:...

2020 Port to Pub Entries Open
Registrations are now OPEN! Get you and your team organised and go to www.porttopub.com.au to enter. There are five categories to...

2019 Doddi's Dash - Sat 7 Dec - Call for Nominations
Mandurah Masters Swimming Club officially invites all member fillies, colts, mares, stallions and geldings to nominate for the fourth...

2019 Lake Leschenaultia Swim
Maida Vale Masters will host Round 1 of the 2019/20 WOW Swim Series at Lake Leschenaultia in Chidlow on Sunday 10 November 2019. Entries...

Busselton Jetty Entries Open 1 Oct
Entries for the SunSmart Busselton Jetty Swim 2020 open 1st October at 5am! Swimmers can choose from: Solo Swim : 3.6km around the iconic...

Sarah Thomas: Woman first to swim Channel four times non-stop
Congratulations Sarah for your epic achievement. A truly inspirational and superhuman effort. Well done to her amazing crew. And we...