2019 Christmas 10K Results
WOW Swims held their Christmas 10K Swim on Saturday 21 December. A group of 8 Manna repeat offenders and a few friends of the Club...

2019 Fremantle Ports Swim Thru Results
President Deb reported on Facebook that on Saturday 14 December a group of 11 Mannas plus Liz, swam in the Freo Port Swim at South Beach....

2019 Doddi's Dash – Christmas Fashion Parade
The 2019 Doddies Dash - Fashion on the Foreshore Parade was held on Saturday morning 7th December. Our swimming conditions were...

2019 Doddi's Dash Photos & Results
The 2019 Doddi's Dash was held on Saturday 7 December in challenging conditions. Of the nearly 40 swimmers entered, only 30 made it to...

2019 Doddi's Dash - Preliminary Handicaps
After checking their bank accounts for any last minute inducements, Handicappers Barb and Steve sat down to knock the handicaps into...

2020 Mandurah Australia Day Swim - Early-Bird Entries are Open!
Early Bird Entries are open for the 2020 Mandurah Australia Day Swim which will be held on Sunday 26 January 2020, at Doddi's Beach,...

Invite to Rockingham for a swim on Sat 4 January
For those interested, instead of going to Doddi's, Rockingham Masters has kindly invited us to join them for a swim on the Rockingham...

2019 Doddi's Dash Sat 7 Dec - Event Details
The 2019 Gala "Fashions on the Foreshore, Doddi's Dash and Christmas Picnic" is on Saturday 7th December, with Registrations opening at...

Volunteers with Working With Children Cards needed to help on Australia Day
Mandurah Australia Day Swim is again offering the "Alcoa 250m Try It Swim" for swimmers aged 8 years and up and novice swimmers, no...

2020 Mandurah Australia Day Swim - Save the Date!
The 2020 Mandurah Australia Day Swim will be held on Sunday 26 January 2019, at Doddi's Beach, Mandurah. What a great way to spend your...