Performance enhancing Poo?
Break throughs in medical science are happening every day and never cease to amaze. One area of recent research has seen investigations...

Final 2016/2017 MSWA OWS Calendar
Update your swimming calendar with the coming seasons open water swims. Click here to access a pdf version.

New English Channel Swim Web Page
Mhairi Murdoch's recently completed successful crossing of the English Channel, takes the crossing count for Mandurah Mannas up to 3....

Mhairi Murdoch's English Channel Crossing
As many of us already know, on 14 July 2016 much loved Mandurah Manna Mhairi Murdoch completed a successful crossing of the English...

Thanks to St John Ambulance
Mandurah Masters would like to thank Tony and Ron from St John Ambulance for presenting a valuable CPR and First Aid short course...

It's getting colder, but we're tough!
As we move into winter, I can't help but notice that the number of hardy souls braving swims at Doddis is diminishing and, inversely, the...

Mannas scoop awards at MSWA Logies!
(L to R) Ken Phillips, Rosemary Green and Rod Baker Ken Phillips has taken out the "Gold Logie" at WA's Masters Swimming night of nights....

2016 MSWA State Open Water Swim
Congratulations to all the swimmers who took part in the State Open Water Swim at Coogee. Well done to Pauline and Rod who again scooped...