2016/17 MSWA OWS - New Points Scoring System
The MSWA OWS Sub-committee has developed a new points scoring system for the 2016/17 OWS events. There are 9 MSWA points scoring swims...

Useful information from "Eat and drink your way to Rottnest" Presentation
City of Perth ran their very popular "Eat and drink your way to Rottnest" on Tuesday 15 November from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the Department...

2016 Doddi's Dash - Video
Watch this video to relive Saturday's great race. Both Wayne and Barb deserve Oscar nominations for this video. Wayne for cinematography...

2017 Doddi's Dash - Provisional Handicaps
With the smell of sausages, onions and EPO still in the air, what better time to set yourself the goal of winning the "2017 Doddi's Dash...
2016 Doddi's Dash - Report & Results
What a great day! While having an enormous amount of fun, we raised $500 for the "Peel Community Kitchen"! On a delightful sunny Saturday...

2016 Doddi's Dash - Event Details & Latest Form Guide
Click Here to read event details. Track: Wet, Cold & Salty Likely field, but many yet to nominate! Provisional Handicaps (subject to...

Glenda volunteer chaperone for Hayley
Peel Aquatic would like to thank Glenda for volunteering, and doing such a great job, as chaperone for 10 year old Hayley in her first...

Lake Leschenaultia Swim Results
Maida Vale Masters hosted Round 1 of the MSWA 2016/17 Open Water Swim Season at Lake Leschenaultia in Chidlow on Sunday 13 November 2016....

Mandurah Masters 1500m Swim Day
Following on from the success of the Open Water Swimming Workshop, Mandurah Masters will be holding a 1500m swim day on Sunday morning 4...