Swimmers' Seminar - All the info you need to make it to Rotto
The Rottnest Channel Swim Association will again be holding a free first-time Swimmers' Seminar on Wednesday, 18 September 2019, from...

A Reminder about Avoiding Hypothermia
Despite the end of May storms and subsequent colder days, we still have a large number of Mannas swimming at Doddi's on Monday,...

6 Amazing Benefits of Cold Water Swimming
After reading this LifeHack article by Alesia Hsiao you will understand why so many of us swim in the ocean through winter and will be...

Five Nutrition Secrets to Improving your Fitness
This US Masters Swimming article by Steph Saullo makes interesting reading in that it sets out the basic principles to promote athletic...

Please no light-hearted banter that discriminates about wearing wetsuits
Just a reminder that as a Club we discourage any thinking or light-hearted banter that discriminates between those swimming with or...

Please comply with the Club Open Water Training/Swimming Policy
We had another pleasant sunny autumn morning at Doddi's Beach, albeit that there was a warm wind from the north that caused a little more...

Health Check: Can I exercise when getting over a bug?
Ivan found this interesting article at theconversation.com, which he thought appropriate knowledge for our members' well being. Head...

Avoiding Hypothermia
At Doddi's autumn has heralded a spell of sunny but cooler days with lovely flat and clear water, with many days seeing swimming at its...

How to get the most out of your time in the pool!
Des has suggested we might be interested in this article written by Jazz Garlin, which appeared in "theguardian" website.

2017 Membership Registration
2016 memberships of Mandurah Masters Swimming Inc. expired on the 31 December 2016. So if you haven't re-registered (and quite a few...