2020 Busselton Jetty Swim Results
The 2020 SunSmart Busselton Jetty Swim was held on Sunday 9th February, in conditions that for the early solo swimmers were close to...

First Pool Meet for 2020
Newman Churchlands Masters Swimming Club invites you to their LiveLighter Club Challenge Series Meet on Sunday 16th February, 2020. This...

2020 Mandurah Australia Day Swim
The 2020 Mandurah Australia Day Swim was our biggest event yet with 277 swimmers enjoying ideal weather and swimming conditions. Even...

2020 Cut to Club Swim
A highly tuned team of 33 Mannas took to the water for the inaugrual Cut to Club Swim held on Saturday 18 January. It proved quite a...

Looking for a Busselton Jetty Entry?
If anyone is looking to enter 2020 SunSmart Busselton Jetty Swim, you might like to contact Colleen on 0439 979 359 as someone at Belmont...

Mandurah Australia Day Swim - Enter Now
Not much more than two weeks away from the biggest Club Event of the Year, 2020 Mandurah Australia Day Swim held on Sunday 26 January...

2020 Mandurah Australia Day Swim - Early-Bird Entries Close 31 December!
What a great way to spend part of your Australia Day long weekend! If you haven't already entered, you have until 31 December to take...
Mandurah Mannas Club Records for 2019
Wishing you a brand New Year that is bursting with Joy roaring with Laughter and full of Fun It's that time of year when we make our new...

2019 Christmas 10K Results
WOW Swims held their Christmas 10K Swim on Saturday 21 December. A group of 8 Manna repeat offenders and a few friends of the Club...

2019 Fremantle Ports Swim Thru Results
President Deb reported on Facebook that on Saturday 14 December a group of 11 Mannas plus Liz, swam in the Freo Port Swim at South Beach....