Safety Reminder for Open Water Swimmers
Even though the winter weather has arrived, it is great to see so many members keeping up their routine of swims at Doddi's, Town Beach,...

Doddi's Swims Suspended
Unfortunately, members appearing to congregate to swim at Doddi's has caused an adverse public reaction. Accordingly, swimming at Doddi's...

Starts and Turns Clinic AKA Momemtum, Momemtum, Momentum
It was a group of our top pool swimmers (i.e. those who continunally strive for perfection) that attended the Starts and Turns Clinic...

Masters Pool Events Cancelled
No doubt you would have received an email from MSWA with the disappointing news that in addition to the cancellation of this year's...

Drakesbrook Weir Swim - Sun 29 March
A crack (pot?) team of open water swimmers are heading to Drakesbrook Weir on Sunday 29 March and are inviting any and all interested in...

2020 MSWA LiveLighter State Short Course Championships
Masters Swimming WA invites you to enter the 2020 LiveLighter State Short Course Championships to be held on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th...

2020 Coogee Jetty to Jetty Swim
Thank you to Photographers Ivan and Hazel, Click Here to see more photos The 24th running of the Coogee Jetty to Jetty swim took place on...

Second Pool Meet for 2020
Melville Masters Swimming Club invites you to their LiveLighter Club Challenge Series Meet on Sunday 22nd March, 2020. This event will be...

2020 Busselton Jetty Swim Photos
Thank you to Ivan and Michelle for these photos, which capture the day so well; particulary, the mood before the start. The slide show...