Coastcare Planting at Doddi's Sun 21 July
Thanks to our Coastcare coordinator Wayne Cable for organising a great day, which he describes in the report below: I’d like to take this...

August Birthdays!
We are wishing Happy Birthday to a group of eight Leo's who are creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, and humorous, as...

2019 Club Records Update
Wow! I have the pleasure to confirm that from January to June our wonderful team of Manduah Mannas have set 14 new club records....
Case File 1.1 Found - VSOA Agent Anne-marie
As we follow with great enthusiasm the wonderful holidaying Mannas and friends in Croatia, a couple of the remaining Mannas were lucky...
Case File No. 1 Some of our fellow Mannas and friends headed on a swim holiday of a lifetime to Croatia. Sadly, these friends of ours...

$100 million POWERBALL LOTTO
Lucky Gerry is collecting money for lotto tickets in this Thursday's $110 million Powerball. If you want to be in it, the cost is $1.00 a...

President's Prattle - July 2019
It is wonderful to be back in Mandurah after experiencing very hot weather in Greece and Spain for the past five weeks. However, it...

Join us out and about for an "After Swim Coffee" this Saturday morning!
Next Saturday 13 July, after our usual Saturday morning swim at Doddi's Beach, we thought it might be fun to make a change and be out and...

Reminder of Coast Care Planting Sun 21 July
The coast (especially Doddi's Beach) is our playground, let's make it still fun for years to come! Please come and join the fun with your...

July Birthdays!
We are wishing Happy Birthday to a group of twelve of our younger Mannas in July. Younger because their average age is 59.6 versus the...