WTF is your Committee doing?
You might possibly remember earlier this year being lured to the AGM by the promise of free wine and pizza only to find you were there to...

July Birthdays!
July is one of the most popular months for Manna birthdays with 11! First off the blocks is Stephen Wilson who celebrates with a cold one...

President's Prattle
I would like to give a big vote of thanks to all those who helped make Sunday’s Club Challenge an enjoyable success. Well done Gerry for...

Blast from the past!
This photo is a blast from the past. Guess who these two lookers are?

Sharky's Feeding Frenzy July 16!
Rumour has it that in an apparent attempt to get one back on the shark population, Mandurah Mannas will be turning up in force on July 16...

Bridges Restaurant Social Night!
A big contingent of Mannas got together on Saturday night to have fun and share a meal at Bridges Bar and Restaurant. By all accounts...

More Mannas Inspiring Us!
A big congratulations to the Linda Ray, Ian Wookey and Pauline Wingate who won their age group, as well as Kirk Bamford who was runner-up...

Happy Birthday!
Mannas celebrating their birthdays this month include: Erica Thomas and Georgina Webb equal first on the 11th (not only sharing the same...

Past Newsletters available on website
For those nostalgic ones amongst us, as well as this year's, Mandurah Mannas Newsletters for past years are now available on the "News &...