President's Prattle - October 2016
Well we are back from our caravanning with a renewed appreciation for the great facilities we have in town, not just for swimming, but...

From Canada with Love!
This is the latest message and some photos from Kirk who is visiting his family in Canada, makes Doddi's look quite steamy! Hi Mandurah...

Autograph signing at MARC Open Day
Thanks to all the volunteers who helped set up and "man" our stand at the MARC Open Day on Sunday 9 October. Special mention must go to...

October Birthdays!
This months advice comes from the AstrologyClub.org who advise, "In October 2016 ask yourself what you are waiting for – we are always...

(Vice) President's Prattle - September 2016
With Mr and Mrs Pres away doing the grey nomad thing, I couldn't resist the opportunity to have a prattle myself! The last month has seen...

September Birthdays!
According to gotohoroscope.com, the horoscope for September says, "After a peaceful and quiet forest lake known as August, September will...

President's Prattle - August 2016
(We all know what a super President we have. This photo shows another of his super powers with him literally "flying" off the blocks at...

August Birthdays!
August is another popular month for Manna birthdays with 9! Diving in with no reaction time at all is Dave on the 1st. George will no...

President's Prattle
It has been good fun getting involved in the recent pool events, and both the recent swims at Swan Hills meet and this weekend’s State...

Mankini Challenge 31 July at MARC
Following on the theme of making the swim on the last Sunday in each month a special event. On Sunday 31 July, the Club will be holding...