Another reminder to please renew your membership for 2020
Thank you to everyone who has renewed their membership for 2020. If you haven't already renewed your membership, we hope you can do so as...

President's Prattle - 2019 End of Year
Well the end of the 2019 year is nearly here with many members swimming longer distances and faster times than ever before. The Busselton...

Just a reminder to please renew your membership for 2020
If you haven't already renewed your membership, we hope you can do so before the deadline on 31 December 2019; except of course, those...

December Birthdays!
This month, we are wishing Happy Birthday to 12 Mannas - 10 Sagittarians and 2 Capricorns. According to horoscopedates.com and...

President's Prattle - December 2019
What a wonderful time of the year to be a swimmer. Those going to the pool must surely be enjoying the sunny conditions and those...

November Birthdays!
This month, we are wishing Happy Birthday to 11 Mannas - 7 Scorpios and 4 Sagittarians According to horoscopedates.com: Scorpios (Oct 23...

Bogan Bingo donation to Pat Thomas House
Social Coordinator Glenda and Past President Jenny had the pleasure of presenting a cheque from Mandurah Masters, for $530.60, to Pat...

President's Prattle - October 2019
A big thank you to committee members who have been keeping the club running very smoothly (as they always do) during my absences this...

Blockbuster Bash at Bogan Bingo!
The Club's Bogan Bingo night, held at Tide's Cafe in San Remo last Friday the 4th October, was a huge success. A thoroughly enjoyable fun...

Volunteers Needed for MARC Open Day
On Saturday the 12th of October, the MARC Open Day will be happening. That means there’ll be free entry to the pools all day and heaps of...