President's Prattle - March 2017
As the summer ocean swim season closes, Mandurah can look back with much satisfaction. Our swimming numbers throughout the week at...

2017 MSWA LiveLighter State Championships - 29 & 30 April
The 2017 LiveLighter State Championships is Masters Swimming WA’s premier annual event for Clubs and members to enjoy participating as a...

Entries Close for 2017 Mandurah Masters LLCC - 23 March
Just a reminder to everyone that entries close to our LiveLighter Club Challenge we will be holding on Sunday 2nd April 2017. This event...

New Club Calendar on Website
We have added a Club Calendar to our website, which shows details of all the Club Social and Swimming Events, Open Water Swims and Club...

Frisbee Golf and Dinner Photos
We held our first official social function for 2017 on Friday March 17th, at Hall Park. A game of "Frisbee Golf" was followed by dinner...

Doddi's Beach Clean-as-a-Whistle!
Thank you to the volunteers from the Club who answered John Reaburn's call to come down and help "Clean Up" Doddi's Beach and the...

Clean Up Doddi's Day!
As part of the "Clean Up Australia Day" campaign, it would be great if you could spare some time at 5:00pm on Wedensday 8 March to come...

More News about Frisbee Golf
As you are probably aware, our first official social function for 2017 is Frisbee Golf at 5:00 pm on Friday March 17th, at Hall Park, on...

Special Training Night for Mandurah Masters LLCC
With less than 1 month to go until the Mandurah Masters LLCC on Sunday 2nd April 2017, its time to get serious about your swimming. To...

March, Birthdays!
This month we have four Mannas celebrating their birthdays and they are all Pisces. We encourage you all to: "Please keep calm and don't...