Meet our latest World Champions
What an incredible nine days our twins, Gerda and Jannie, have had in the pool(s). Firstly at the World Masters Games in Auckland NZ, a...

Maximising your Training to Prepare for Racing
For all those who were unable to attend, Ryan has kindly provided a copy of the presentation he gave, at MARC on Sunday morning 23 April,...

Thank you to MARC Opening Day Volunteers
A special thank you to all those members who volunteered to represent the Club at the MARC Opening Day on Saturday 29 April. In true...

Current Fina World LC and SC Swimming Records
While searching for the FINA Masters World Records (and being unable to access them) I did find the Swimming World Records, which may be...

Coast Care Planting at Doddi's Sun 18 June
This year the Club has focused on taking on more community work. As part of that commitment, Wayne Cable as organised for the Club to be...

Volunteers Needed for MARC Opening Day
In what may seem like "Ground Hog Day", MARC is having a Opening Day this Saturday 29 April with free admission! MARC has allocated 4...

President's Prattle - April 2017
What a disappointment that the new MSWA executive committee have seen fit to transfer the 2018 Nationals away from Mandurah to the usual...

Choose either a Coffee with a Swim or a Coffee with a Walk?
As winter approaches, the thought of swimming in cold and sometimes rough conditions sees a general decline in the number of swimmers at...

No Training on ANZAC Day
Today is ANZAC Day and the MARC pool will be open only between 1pm and 6pm. Therefore, there will be no training tonight.

Reminder about Indoor Lawn Bowls & Dinner - Saturday 6 May
If you haven't already please let Glenda (0413 124 568) know if you are going to the Indoor Lawn Bowls and subsequent Dinner at the...