5% of purchase price go to Mandurah Masters!
When next considering purchasing some swimming or sports gear, if you wish, have a look at the new AMART SPORTS shop in Pinjarra Road,...

Friday Night 30 June at the Trots!
On Friday night 1 July, there is a group meeting to catch the train at 4:00 pm from Mandurah or subsequent stations on route to...

Coast Care Planting at Doddi's Sun 18 June
WOW ! Thank you "Mannas" for an excellent showing this morning for the Halls Head Coastcare project at Robert Point (next to Doddi's...

Latest info on Christmas in July!
Our Christmas in July lunch at the Quindanning Inne on Saturday 15 July is rapidly approaching. At last count we have about 40 members...

Doddi's Swim Sat 17 June
We saw 20 swimmers take to the water for the "Pre-Winter Solstice" swim at Doddi's. (The real one will be this coming Wednesday). Whilst...

Reminder - Pizza after Training Night Thurs 15 June
Our dynamic social duo Ken & Glenda have been at it again and have organised a Pizza Night straight after training on Thursday night 15...

Reminder - Coast Care Planting at Doddi's Sun 18 June
This year the Club has focused on taking on more community work. As part of that commitment, Wayne Cable as organised for the Club to be...

Welcome to our latest new Members!
Everyone at Mandurah Masters extends a warm welcome to our latest new members, including: Mark Dove, Christine Withers, Min Ng, Alexis...

President's Prattle - June 2017
Seems time to again ponder how we are travelling as a club. Our membership now sits around 90 members and makes us one of the larger...

Going by Bus to Christmas in July!
Our Christmas in July lunch at the Quindanning Inne on Saturday 15 July is rapidly approaching. At last count we have about 30 members...