Best Quiz Night Ever!
A very big thank you to all those Mannas and friends who answered the call and came along to enjoy what has been described by many as the...

Please come to the Big Quiz Night Oct 13
Friday 13th October could be your lucky day!! Yep it is time to get your tickets for the Mandurah Masters Swimming . . BIG QUIZ NIGHT,...

Amart is now Rebel, but 5% of purchase price still goes to Mandurah Masters!
AMART SPORT has now changed its business name over to REBEL sporting goods in Mandurah, located in the same position in Pinjarra Road. As...

More Volunteers needed for Beach Clean-up on 15 Oct
A further reminder that the "13th Annual WA Beach Clean-Up" campaign is on Sunday 15th October. Wayne Cable is our co-ordinator and he...

October Birthdays!
This month we have six Mannas looking forward to blowing out candles and eating birthday cake. We recommend you all: "Stop counting and...

President's Prattle - September 2017
Well it is great to be home after a month of travels, and what a month it was. No doubt Steve Ferguson’s blog kept you updated on the...

Congratulations Rosemary - 3 Million Metres Club
Congratulations to Rosemary for this year becoming a member of the very exclusive Vorgee 3 Million Metres Club. For those who come down...

Volunteers needed for Beach Clean-up on 15 Oct
As part of the "13th Annual WA Beach Clean-Up" campaign, Wayne our CoastCare Rep is seeking 25 - 30 volunteers from the Club and...

Quiz Night Oct 13 - Tickets on Sale
Social duo Ken and Glenda have organised a fantastic Quiz night for 7:00 pm Friday October 13 at the Mandurah City Football Club -...

September Birthdays!
This month we have nine Mannas celebrating their birthdays, following our theme of using Zodiac signs to predict swimming ability with...