Four Great Tenors at Doddi's!
After our last Doddi's swim before Christmas, all 47 swimmers relaxed with a coffee and enjoyed a Christmas Carol concert performed by...

Australia Day Towels For Sale!
As a special one off Christmas treat, we are making available a limited number of our fantastic Australia Day Beach Towels for sale prior...

2017 Doddi's Dash/Christmas Picnic Wrap up!
The 2017 Doddi's Dash was held last weekend in conjunction with our Christmas Picnic and what a fantastic day it was. Ostensibly, there...

President's Prattle - December 2017
Well, what a wonderful finale for the year’s swimming and social calendar with the highly successful “Doddi’s Dash”, rolling into our...

2017 Doddi's Dash Results
The 2017 Doddi's Dash was held yesterday in conjunction with our Christmas Picnic and what a fantastic day it was. Ivan has posted lots...

December Birthdays!
Let's add some Happy Birthday greetings to Merry Christmas this month for 10 Mannas. To those having birthdays, we recommend you: "please...

Doddi's Dash/Christmas Picnic Combo
We are up-sizing the fun, fitness and friendship of our Christmas Picnic by adding large Doddi's Dash with it (or is it Dash of Doddi's)!...

You can now Renew your Membership of Mandurah Masters for 2018
Great News! You can now renew your membership of Mandurah Masters for 2018. Ideally, we hope everyone can do so before 31 December 2017;...

Thank you Letter from Peel Community Kitchen
Hello Glenda, On behalf of the Peel Community Kitchen, the board and all the less fortunate members of our community that we help on a...