Upcoming Pool Events
Eastern Region Club Challenge Swim Meet (Click Here to read the flyer) Swan Hills Swimming Club is holding a short course meet for Swan...
2018 Stadium Masters LLCC Results
Please refer to this month's President's Prattle for a wrap up of the Stadium Snappers Meet held Sunday 20 May. Congratulations to Ivan...
Bus Full for Cape Bouvard Winery Lunch - Sunday 27 May!
Just to let you know that the Bus from Doddi's to Sunday Lunch at Cape Bouvard Winery/Brewery on the Sunday 27th of May. is fully booked....
President's Prattle - May 2018
Congratulations to the 14 swimmers who participated at last Sunday’s LLCC at HBF Stadium. Whilst it was very cold in the building we all...
Mandurah Masters 25th Silver Anniversary Dinner - Friday Night 8 June
Mandurah Masters invites all Club members to put on your tiara, dress up in your best silver bling and join us to celebrate our Club's...
Cape Bouvard Winery Lunch - Sunday 27 May!
Our next exciting Club Social event is a relaxing Sunday Lunch at Cape Bouvard Winery/Brewery on the Sunday 27th of May. Click Here to...
Congratulations - we have 100 Members!
Welcome and congratulations to our latest and 100th member Kurt. To recognise and celebrate the milestone, Pres. Deb supplied a carrot...