Our Hard Core Swimmer!
Who amongst us is tough enough to be up for a solo swim at Doddi's on a cold, showery and blustery winter's day? Apparently, only Jan -...
Typical Winter's Day at Doddi's
Thank you Ivan for braving the cold and photographing this morning's swim. Doddi's swim mornings often start (and sometimes finish) with...
Coastcare Planting at Doddi's Sun 1 July
We thank you sincerely, all the Mannas who turned out for the CoastCare 2018 planting at Robert Point on Sunday 1 July. With the good...
Teabag Seniors Swimming Club!
Thank you to Des for bringing to our attention an ABC article titled: "Teabags senior swimming club claims benefits of a cold water dip"....
July Birthdays!
To those having birthdays this month, remember: "Your only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely!" Bloody Hell - 8 Mannas...
President's Prattle - June 2018
Here we are nearly half way through the year. Time sure does appear to go fast when incorporating the Club's many opportunities to swim...
Club Record - Stock Take Clearance Sale
Currently, Mandurah Masters has a surplus of yet to be set Club Records in stock (994 records in total). Accordingly, we are having a...
Golden Groper State Relay Meet 4 August!
Last year, Mandurah rallied together an amazing team for the Golden Groper State Relay Championships at HBF Stadium. Despite our best...