Doddi's Swims Suspended
Unfortunately, members appearing to congregate to swim at Doddi's has caused an adverse public reaction. Accordingly, swimming at Doddi's...
President's Prattle - 23 March 2020
What uncertain times we are in, never in a million years did I ever dream I would be putting these words to paper. I want to let you all...
NEW! Mandurah Masters Swimming WhatsApp Chat Group
Many members will already be familar with, and are possibly avid users of, WhatsApp messaging service. For those who are not, WhatsApp is...
Starts and Turns Clinic AKA Momemtum, Momemtum, Momentum
It was a group of our top pool swimmers (i.e. those who continunally strive for perfection) that attended the Starts and Turns Clinic...
Masters Pool Events Cancelled
No doubt you would have received an email from MSWA with the disappointing news that in addition to the cancellation of this year's...
Drakesbrook Weir Swim - Sun 29 March
A crack (pot?) team of open water swimmers are heading to Drakesbrook Weir on Sunday 29 March and are inviting any and all interested in...
President's Prattle - March 2020
Open Water Swimming Well the Open Water Swimming season is over for the majority of us following the successful Coogee Swim yesterday. It...