Preliminary Notice of Next Pool Meet for 2020
We have had notice that Claremont Masters are organising a meet to replace the cancelled Gropers Relay carnival. It’s called the Just...
Sundowner - 5:00 pm Friday 17 July
Now that things are getting back to normal, our next club social event is a "Sundowner" at 5:00pm on Friday night 17 July at "The Pen"....
Winners - Winter Solstice Ocean Swim 2020
Last weekend our wonderful Mannas took part in the first Masters Swimming WA 'Winter Solstice Ocean Swim' at Doddi's Beach Mandurah. The...
Winter Solstice Ocean Swim
Masters Swimming WA are inviting all Masters Swimming Clubs to rally members and take part in a Winter Solstice Ocean Swim on the weekend...
MARC Indoor Pool COVID-19 Update
Mandurah Aquatic and Recreation Centre (MARC) has increased the allowable numbers for the club to 20 persons from the 6th June. At...
6 Month Mandurah Masters Memberships are now available
For those who were unable to renew their membership before the COVID-19 restrictions came into effect or would like to now join Mandurah...
Safety Reminder for Open Water Swimmers
Even though the winter weather has arrived, it is great to see so many members keeping up their routine of swims at Doddi's, Town Beach,...
President's Prattle - May 2020
Let’s talk about some good news, yes MARC has reopened! Access is on a reduced basis. The Club has been allocated 3 lanes each Tuesday...